
Showing posts from November, 2023
  Leadership Styles and Psychological Empowerment: A Meta-Analysis What is Psychological Empowerment? It is a topic of Organizational Research that gives advantages to companies when acquiring and sustaining competitive positions within markets, and also benefits employees: leads to a proactive and motivated orientation at work. It comprehends 4 work- related conditions:  Competence : self-efficacy of an employee, convincing themselves of having positive skills for high performance. Meaning : employees identify with the company’s objectives and feel that they can execute the work. Self-determination : perception of freedom to decide when to start or finish a task. Impact : belief in having influence on goals at work. Relationship between Leadership and Psychological Empowerment The study analysed 4 styles and their impact, dividing them by high, medium and low matches: Empowering Leadership : idea of power sharing, delegation of authority and resources, encouraging fre...
  Article: “Leadership Styles and leadership outcomes in nursing homes: a cross-sectional analysis” This article is based on a cross-sectional study conducted in 6 Belgian nursing homes and on the influence of head nurses and directors of nursing regarding leadership. There were 302 staff members within the nursing home who collaborated as sample subjects, using a multifactor leadership questionnaire ( measuring extra effort, effectiveness, and satisfaction) that visualized transformational , transactional , and passive-avoidant leadership styles. The researchers found that head nurses and directors of nursing were reluctant to use a transformational or transactional leadership style. On the contrary, the passive-avoidant style scored higher in the questionnaire, showing a predominance of this style. The environment in residential care facilities – also called nursing homes – is complex because most patients would prefer to be in their own home but difficulties in obtain...